Specialist Risk Assessments

Purpose of a risk assessment
It’s a legal requirement for businesses to complete risk assessments, which will normally involve the steps shown below:
- Identify hazards within the workplace
- Decide who might be harmed and how
- Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
- Record your findings in writing
- Regularly review your risk assessments
The purpose of risk assessments is to demonstrate that the company has taken steps to recognise any risks to employees or others, raise awareness and reduce the risk of illness or injury.
Whilst some can be straightforward due to being in an environment with minimal risk, such as an office, others can be very complicated, particularly when equipment or machinery is involved.
If any of the subjects in the list below apply to your organisation, the chances are you need a health and safety professional such as Willsmer Consulting to help you identify and minimise the risks.
- Noisy working environments, equipment requiring noise assessments and surveys
- Machinery requiring PUWER assessments
- Fire hazards needing a fire risk assessment
- Hazardous substances or processes such as the use of aerosols, flammable substances needing CoSHH assessments
- Handling of large and/or heavy objects or repetitive handling leading to manual handling assessments.
- Trip/slip hazards
- Old, poorly maintained premises
- Use of power tools, including vibrating tools leading to HAV assessments
- Persons working on their own and lone worker risk assessments
- Computer equipment and display screen equipment assessments

What value do risk assessments provide for a business?
Over the years the consultants at Willsmer have seen that prevention is always better than cure and this definitely applies to risk assessments.
By having clear guidance on risks and the ways in which your employees can avoid or minimise that risk, your business will benefit from the following:
- Avoid fines and legal action being brought
- Professional health and safety standards that will encourage new customers
- Increased productivity through minimising workplace injuries
- Reduction in employee sick days
- A fitter and healthier workforce
- Happier employees, by showing you care
How can we help?
Instead of you becoming bogged down with paperwork and spending days of your time trying to figure out what is or isn’t a risk in your company, our experienced consultants will be able to quickly identify all the risks and help you address them.
When your time can be better spent earning the company income, it becomes apparent that it’s a whole lot easier, and less arduous, to employ our services.

Want to discuss or find out more?
Call to book your free 45 minute discovery, which can be conducted over the phone or via video call. At this point we can check suitability for your business and arrange an onsite inspection if required.