Health & Safety
Advice Service
Are you or your team struggling to keep up with health and safety legislation?

It’s a legal requirement, according to The Management of Health and Safety Work Regulations, for companies with more than 5 employees to appoint a competent person to ensure you comply with health and safety legislation.
Companies sometimes ask why they need an external health and safety advisor. Well, there’s a variety of reasons. Unless your company is a larger business, able to justify the cost of a full time safety advisor, it’s more cost effective to employ the services of a health and safety consultant.
Some companies choose to allocate the responsibility to an employee who already has another role, which can be dangerous, as it means they are not always able to afford health and safety the focus it requires.
Whilst some health and safety information can be found online, it’s impossible to determine the most accurate and updated legislation and, more importantly, how it applies to your business. Because this is what we do, day in and day out, our wealth of knowledge and experience enables us to save you all the time and hassle of finding out the information yourself.
What’s the impact if you get health and safety wrong?
Although health and safety is one area of a business that can often get overlooked, it’s an essential part of the business that needs to be done right.
Non-compliance can cause a business serious problems. The best case scenario is a hefty fine, whilst the worst case scenarios could be imprisonment, loss of eyesight, limbs or even loss of life. When the worst happens within a business you can imagine the devastating impact. It can literally be life-changing for the employee, as well as for the business owner, particularly if negligence is proven.
How can we help?
We provide businesses and organisations with a Competent Advice Service.
Rather than charge your business an upfront lump sum, that hits your bottom line immediately, our consultants provide an advice service for only £150.00 +VAT per month. This service can be offered on its own, or as a part of a more comprehensive package of services tailored to your organisation.
Our service is provided by a fully qualified, trained and experienced Health and Safety Advisor, which includes the following:
- A Health and Safety Policy that’s tailored to your operations
- Guidance on key responsibilities for you and your team
- 24 hour telephone support
- Access to your personal OSHCR registered consultant
- Systems audit and premises inspection
- Help with compliance and implementation
- Updates to your policy when required
- Regular and relevant health and safety updates by email
- Discounts on training courses
- Safety bulletins on topics relevant to your business
Want to discuss or find out more?
Call to book your free 45 minute discovery, which can be conducted over the phone or via video call. At this point we can check suitability for your business and arrange an onsite inspection if required.